Allows management of the SAML Service Providers. API Reference

Allows the management of the SAML Service Providers.

API Endpoint
Request Content-Types: application/json
Response Content-Types: application/json
Schemes: https
Version: v1.0


Returns a list of all Service Providers.

GET /api/saml/serviceproviders

Returns a list of all Service Providers.

200 OK

The list of Service Providers.

401 Unauthorized

The user is not authorized to access this operation.

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Expression": "string",
    "ElementType": "string",
    "Provider": "string"

Save a Service Provider.

POST /api/saml/serviceproviders

Saves a new Service Provider with the model information provided.

The service provider to save.

Request Example
  "SamlServiceProviderId": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "ServiceProviderName": "string"

The service provider model that was saved.

Response Example (200 OK)
  "SamlServiceProviderId": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "Actions": "string"

Return a Service Provider.

GET /api/saml/serviceproviders/{samlserviceproviderid}

Returns a Service Provider by it's ID.

samlserviceproviderid: integer
in path

The ID of the Service Provider to return.

The Service Provider model.

401 Unauthorized

The user is not authorized to access this operation.

Response Example (200 OK)
  "SamlServiceProviderId": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "ServiceProviderName": "string"

Delete a Service Provider.

DELETE /api/saml/serviceproviders/{samlserviceproviderid}

Deletes a Service Provider with the given ID.

samlserviceproviderid: integer
in path

The ID of the service provider to delete.

200 OK

The service provider model that was saved.

Download the Service Provider metadata.

GET /api/saml/serviceproviders/{samlserviceproviderid}/download

Download a Service Provider with the given ID.

samlserviceproviderid: integer
in path

The ID of the service provider to download.

Response Example (200 OK)
  "Version": "string",
  "Content": "string",
  "StatusCode": "string",
  "ReasonPhrase": "string",
  "Headers": "string",
  "RequestMessage": "string",
  "IsSuccessStatusCode": "boolean"

Schema Definitions

IQueryable: object

Expression: string
ElementType: string
Provider: string
  "Expression": "string",
  "ElementType": "string",
  "Provider": "string"

AddEditSamlServiceProviderViewModel: object

SamlServiceProviderId: integer
Name: string
ServiceProviderName: string
  "SamlServiceProviderId": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "ServiceProviderName": "string"

SamlServiceProviderCollectionItemModel: object

SamlServiceProviderId: integer
Name: string
Actions: string
  "SamlServiceProviderId": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "Actions": "string"

IHttpActionResult: object


HttpResponseMessage: object

Version: string
Content: string
StatusCode: string
ReasonPhrase: string
Headers: string
RequestMessage: string
IsSuccessStatusCode: boolean
  "Version": "string",
  "Content": "string",
  "StatusCode": "string",
  "ReasonPhrase": "string",
  "Headers": "string",
  "RequestMessage": "string",
  "IsSuccessStatusCode": "boolean"